Trees Help Clean the Air We Breathe, Filter the Water We Drink.

Trees are must on this earth. this is the only source of oxygen. without oxygen we will not survive, everyone will die. That’s why I Plant Tree and motivate others to plant tree. Some of government wings and NGO help us to provide trees and i take help from them and give people these tree so that we can live in better world.

Forests play a critical part to keep our environment healthy. But our forests need us more than ever – more than thousands of acres of National Forests are in need of reforestation.

  1. Tree planting improves wildlife habitat connectivity and supports biodiversity.
  2. Trees remove harmful pollutants from the air and act as our natural air filter.
  3. In areas where trees would not naturally regenerate, tree planting helps re-establish forest cover and improve forest health.
  4. Tree planting provides fresh water for millions of Indian People across the country.
  5. The average people in india carbon footprint is 20 tons of CO2 per year – you can offset your impact with 40 trees.
  6. Two trees planted will remove 1 ton of CO2 from the atmosphere over the life of those trees.
  7. Reforestation helps make our forests more resilient to future challenges like climate change and wildfire.
  8. Tree planting occurs year round, depending on the region. Some projects begin as early as January and some as late as October.
  9. Wildfire isn’t the only reason for reforestation on National Forests. we also support recovery from insect and disease outbreaks and severe weather events, in addition to native species expansion.

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